
A place for random thoughts on sports, politics and life.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Welcome to the Big House

I needed to be able to vent, so this is how I will do it. Politics, sports- alright maybe mostly sports- and life in general.

I start with two subjects today. First is the Dodgers.

Why do I continue to support them? Why am I passing that fault on to another generation as I buy my son Dodger gear? Is there any direction to this team? I liked Milton Bradley. I liked the fact he cared so much that he wigged out on the field. The Dodgers have a history of players who could only really get riled if a hair got out of place. Now they trade the guy who showed more moxy than any player since that dick Kurt Gibson? The Dodgers need a dick. Not a Jeff Kent not like anyone, worry about himself only dick, but a Gibby dick who is a weenie to everyone who is not working as hard as he is. It is not Furcal. It is not Kent. It is not Choi. It was Bradley.

Second is Tookie Williams...

Let me say I am pretty much to the right. I am pro death penalty and anti-abortion. Many say that those views run counter to each other, but I see an innocent life and a guilty life as two different things. That being said, the Tookie Williams case has really had me perplexed. I am not sure if he was innocent or guilty, so I have to go with what a jury rendered him all those years ago. I credit him for attempting to right some wrongs, but I honestly would have rather he did those things before he killed four people. That is not what bothers me. What bothers me is the feeling of this old man being put to death. He lived for how long and now he is going to pay? If we are going to do the death penalty in this state, then do it. Waiting 30 years opens the door for the feelings and controversy that surrounds the Tookie Williams case. Even as someone who supports the death penalty, I personally feel no justice was done, and no crime will be deterred by executing 60 year old men.


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